Monday, February 25, 2013

Nyan says the cat

Apparently Saturday was the 27th annual celebration of Cat Day in Japan.

Otherwise known as Nyan Nyan Nyan Day.

(That’s for the sound that Japanese cats make, instead of the meow sound English or American cats make. What—you thought animals have some universal speech capabilities?)

Seems appropriate that the day is celebrated in Japan, home of Maru, a Scottish Fold with the kind of international online following a Kardashian would envy.

(Off topic, but I wonder what’s up with MS Word’s spellchecker being so last century that it doesn’t like either Maru or Kardashian?)

The report cited is from the Washington Post. It loses some of it’s journalistic credibility by referring to Maru as female. But otherwise, well—I’m always glad to find new celebration days to add to the calendar.

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