Monday, January 21, 2013

Facebook drama

I’m sure you’ve noticed it on Facebook: someone will post something along the lines of, “I’ve totally HAD it. This is THE END!!!!” or “Men/women are all assholes!!!!!” These may or may not be followed by 17 posts from friends asking “What up???”, and maybe (or maybe not) some elaboration from the originator.

Frankly, in my experience these sorts of posts get lost amongst the “Just checked in to [some place I’ve never heard of] for [pizza/cocktails/burgers/bikini wax]”, “Cutest EVAH cat picz” and multiple variants of various Internet hoaxes—the ones that used to be emailed around.

I mean, let’s face it: there’s a boatload of banality on FB.

But it apparently doesn’t go unnoticed, and someone has taken the time to pull together evidence of Drama Queens on Facebook. I am relieved to note that some of the DQs’ friends are on to their tricks. I especially like the one that starts, “I now understand how it feels to not be able to get over someone”.

Okay, they may not have the charm of Dog Shaming, but they are amusing.

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