Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Facebook drama, Act II

By way of follow-up to my post about Drama Queens (of either XX or XY chromosome configuration) on Facebook, here’s something I came across.

Not DQ material, exactly. And not entirely a humble-brag. But this sort of invitation to one’s friends to share some appreciation of how special one is (which specialness one is extremely careful to call out), seems to lie at the core of the whole FB phenomenon:

I mean—the idea of going to a reasonably public forum (public because you’ve lumped all levels of associates, from passing acquaintances to live-in lovers, into the category of “friends”) and, well, just gushing like this is completely cringeworthy.

Isn’t it?

And the fact that such gushing elicits (as it was obviously intended to do) equally cringeworthy encomia just…well, I believe I’ve gone into insulin shock.

Just gag me with a mobile device.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Xie, when did you get so cynical?

    I think it's sweet.

    Er, saccharine....
