Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tech connections

I’m visiting my sister in Sedona for Christmas. Flew out Saturday from Oakland, through Phoenix and then on to Flagstaff, which from the air appears to have expanded since the last time I was through there 30 years ago and rolled my car.

(Yes, that’s right. I did not spin out; I did a 360-degree roll. But that’s another story.)

I brought with me: my laptop, my Kindle Fire HD tablet (an early Christmas gift, with which I’m completely besotted), my smartphone, my Zune MP3 player, a Nikon 35mm DSLR and a Nikon POS camera.

Here’s the thing: because every blinking one of these things has a different connector at the device end for either power or to transfer files, I’ve had to bring with me six bleeding cables. My roll-on was a veritable snakepit of cords.

At least I can use the same cable for my pedometer and the DSLR.

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