Thursday, December 6, 2012

'Nuff said

As you know, as an antidote to a completely and utterly crap week (which seems to have slopped over into the past couple of days; but I’m counting it as overflow from before and therefore banishing it to the past), I checked out the complete series DVDs of Due South from the Mountain View PL, and have been watching them, episode after episode.

I’ve not yet got to one of my favorites, “All the Queen’s Horsemen”, which features Leslie Nielsen doing his looniest best to “maintain the right”. But I’ve been thinking about the song they sing in it: “Ride Forever”—it’s the RCMP’s Musical Ride, see, and they’re on this train about to be gassed by an Insane terrorist. Well, watch it yourself.

But, while I’m waiting for a new external DVD/CD drive for my laptop (just don’t ask, okay?) to arrive from Amazon, I’ve watched a couple of YouTube clips with the song in it:

As something of an aside, I sometimes slip a cog when it comes to picking up words in lyrics. I was beyond voting age before I realized the opening line in that one chorus from Messiah is “All we like sheep” and not “Oh, we like sheep”...

So for some reason, although I did hear the Mounties proclaiming “you can’t keep horsemen in a cage”, I swapped out the G for a V, and started wondering why you can’t keep horsemen in a cave? You could, you know. If it was a big enough cave. Depending on how many horsemen you actually, you know, had. And whether or not they had their horses with them. I'm just sayin'. 

But then I started wondering what other letters I could swap in for the G to find things you can’t keep horsemen in.

Cake—kind of hard to keep horsemen in a cake. Unless…no, I’m not coming up with any kind of a cake you could keep horsemen in.

Cane—nope, can’t do that.

Care—well that’s just being silly.

The one that I kind of like, though, is cape. You can keep horsemen in capes, can’t you? I would actually like to see horsemen in capes.

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