Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday flash, Part 4

So far, the holiday flash mobs I’ve featured have been unsponsored. (Well, the LAX one might be quasi-official, but I didn’t see any ‘sponsored by’ indicators.) So here are a couple with corporate connections. Interestingly—they’re both from airlines.

This comes to us from a carrier I personally have never heard of. WestJet livened up things for late-night passengers at the airport in Calgary.

Now, I don’t know that it meets the criteria for organic flash mobs, inasmuch as participants in these phenomena are meant to appear suddenly, do their singing/dancing schtick and then melt back into the crowd. But it’s certainly stylish & entertaining. & the passengers on the red-eye headed to Toronto looked a lot happier than you’d ordinarily expect.

Plus—that whole Blue Santa thing: extra points for the style statement.

This one features flight attendants of Cathay Pacific strutting their stuff for charity. I’ve got to say that considering these men & women have an actual, you know, day job, they do remarkably well at pulling this off.

I like the woman pushing the service cart through the aisle of flight attendants, flinging packets of peanuts around. Plus—they totally get into it when the Macarena comes up, as it apparently usually does in an airport flash mob setting.

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