Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A fine kettle of fish

This story came via NPR and focuses on NYC, but I’m betting that if anyone were to sniff around any city in the country, the results would probably be the same.

Seems that “off” smell all around us is the odor of the piscatorial equivalent of mutton dressed as lamb, according to a study by Oceana, a conservation group.

Meaning that there’s a whole lotta mislabeling of fish going on—you think you’re getting one thing, but in fact you’re getting (and paying for) another. Including some critters that are not at all good for your health.

Oceana’s report indicates that 60% of the retail outlets they sampled (from bodegas to high-end restaurants) were selling mislabeled fish. And 100% of the sushi bars they visited had species inaccuracies.

Certainly it’s all problematic, but what I’m not getting is: who buys fish from bodegas?

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