Monday, November 19, 2012

Seattle slew

In the wake of Washington voters approving a ballot measure decriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana, the Seattle cops are taking a pragmatic view of how to approach the shifting winds, so to speak, as least as they’re able to determine them.

This being the self-proclaimed vortex of anything technological, naturally they’ve posted their guidelines online.

It’s called “Mariwhatnow?”, a guide to what SPD thinks will be happening come 6 December, when the law takes effect.

I see that the same folks who with every show of distaste and reluctance control the sale of hard liquor (in state-run liquor stores) are going to be in charge of the legal sale of grass. That means that the hours will be so limited and arbitrary (depending on each outlet’s management) that the consuming public probably won’t have to worry much about being caught with any discernible amount of Super Skunk in its trunk.

But SPD has certainly shown more than a kilo's worth of sense of humor.

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