Friday, November 16, 2012

Month of writing dangerously, Chapter 3

We’re just embarking on Week 3 of NaNoWriMo. It’s actually going well. I find I’m actually having rather a good time writing fiction. Well, mostly fiction. Um, fiction with various dashes and splashes of Things I Might Have Actually Experienced at One Time or Another.

One of the best parts for me is creating and setting in motion characters. I believe I mentioned that my novel is a police procedural. Meaning, there is some crime involved. Meaning, there’s actually some son-of-a-bitch malignant narcissist who’s responsible for the crime.

& when the time came for me to pin the tail on that particular donkey I had just the jackass in mind. Someone I was involved with for about 37 minutes, before I realized that all the freaking warning bells that had gone off when he first appeared were not just system malfunction, and he really was the lying scumbag I’d felt him to be from the beginning. But charming—he was charming.

Which makes him the perfect template for the charming sociopath my novel requires. Yippee—the bastard does have some redeeming social value, after all!

I have to admit that I’m having way too much fun writing this part—and I’m not even making most of it up. For example—I was filling out some “character questions”, you know, the kinds of things you need to know about your characters so you can picture them well enough to describe and manipulate them. Things like…clothes; what kind of clothes does he wear?

·         Sadly, favors double-breasted suits, which a man of his stocky build & short stature should not
·         Likes to wear his kilt to any evening event; will tell everyone within listening distance all about his relationship to the clan; no one cares

Favorite foods?
·         Whatever someone else is buying

Most important thing to know about this character?
·         He never makes a mistake—anything less than resounding success is due to the (unwarranted) malevolence of others, or to circumstances unforeseeably changing

Also, an unrelated NaNo pleasure, I get to have my American protagonist encapsulate all of rural Britain by referring to the nonexistent (to my knowledge) village of West Lesser Chipping Nowherehampton.

Okay, the “Chipping” part is real.

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