Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Flight of fancy

If you’re a US citizen, I hope you’ve voted today. If not—stop reading immediately and go do that. If you’ve voted—or non-US—read on, because you deserve a bit of a fanciful break.

And those fun-loving Kiwis are giving it to you. Again. Those loveable wits at Air New Zealand have given Richard Simmons the heave-ho from their in-flight safety video and replaced him with…Middle Earthlings.

Sure, it’s a tie-in with Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit opening. But—what the heck. It’ll probably get more attention than any airline video ever.

But if you’re a die-hard Simmons fan—you can watch it again.

If that doesn’t get you out to the polls to escape, I don’t know what will.

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