Thursday, October 11, 2012

Charging laptops

Something to fill in the column inches while I’m waiting for the swelling in my jaw to go down. I was in the digital office accessories aisle of Target (trying to find a plain old B&W workhorse inkjet printer, which is apparently a 21st Century pipe dream) and came across this:

Now, I understand that Targus products are probably all manufactured and assembled in countries where English is not the first language of the workforce. And it’s conceivable that the digerati who need to carry multiple-device chargers with them aren’t the most discriminating when it comes to, you know, literacy.

And I suppose that the few pennies that would have been added to the retail price by having someone somewhere along the line point out, “Uh, so—you laptops out there, we’re talking to YOU” would have screwed up all the price point calculations.

But it’s basically just another omen that Civilization As We Know It is headed straight for hell.

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