Wednesday, October 31, 2012

& boo to you, too

It seems to me that the Bay Area seems to have taken Halloween particularly to heart. There are costume shops that I swear stay open all year long on the back of the business they do in October. And houses are decorated almost as elaborately as at Christmas in other parts of the country.

I’m not talking a hay bale, two scarecrows and a flock of pumpkins; or even one of those witches splatted against the front of a house. I’m talking ghosts and skeletons hanging from trees, that nasty white cobweb stuff and strings of orange lights.

But even so, I was driving home the other morning and came across a house that bespeaks complete devotion to the principle that you can’t have too much ghoulishness on this day.

It’s not one of the McMansions, or anything. In fact, it’s your basic little suburban 50s box made of ticky-tacky. Although, since it’s in the Silicon Valley, it’s your basic little $795,900 suburban 50s box made of tick-tacky.

Anyhow: here’s what I saw whizzing past it:

So, of course I stopped and went to investigate.

And it went on...

And on...

I'm betting that there will be sound effects tonight. And that there will be some traumatized trick-or-treaters.

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