Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Please, Mr. Postman Pt. 1

I live in an area of Sunnyvale that comprises mostly single-family dwellings dating from the 50s through 70s, from the looks of the architecture. Those on this side of El Camino Real appear somewhat more upmarket than the ones across the way, but back in the day they’d all have been for working class and middle class families.

(That was of course in the day when the working and middle classes made enough money to buy houses anywhere, much less in this area.)

There’s one sub-neighborhood of a couple of blocks of two streets where everyone appears to have decided to express individuality not in the paint on their track houses, or the landscaping, but in their…mailboxes.

I’ll show you what I mean:

Fire engine sideways.

 Fire engine front.

Car sideways.

Car front.

They mostly seem to have been homemade and bolted on to your common or garden mailbox.

 Ark with pair of elephants.

I’ll share some more tomorrow.

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