Monday, September 24, 2012

Art of appreciation

As a friend of mine says, you just can’t make this stuff up, folks.

Cecilia Gimenez has ratcheted up an already bizarre story.

The 81-year-old woman (without encumbrance of any artistic understanding or talent) “restored” a fading fresco at the Sanctuary of Mercy Church in Borja, Spain, with predictable results.

That was passing strange.

Then the botch-job became a attraction—for paying tourists. Not sure whether the visitors would be the same sort who pay $28K for a ten-year-old grilled cheese sandwich with the image of the Virgin Mary, or just people with too many frequent flyer miles on their hands.

Whatever. But since the church is now a destination, Gimenez has hired counsel and is demanding a cut of the gate.

However this plays out, I refer you to my opening paragraph.

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