Wednesday, September 19, 2012


At this point in the year, and in the election cycle, we could all use some time out. And, given that both business and politics drown us in obfuscation and verbal obliteration, perhaps it’s a really good thing that today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

The folks who thought it up ten years ago have helpful hints on pirate-speak pick-up lines, since apparently a whole lot of TLAPD revolves around places of booze.

If you otherwise need help translating, there are one or two sites that will oblige. The UX is what you’d expect from people too busy with downing grog and shivering timbers to bother with features and functionality.

BTW—you need to distinguish the type of pirates we’re talking about here from the ones on Wall Street and in Congress. Just be sayin’, matey.

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