Friday, August 10, 2012

Country spam

Ah, my Nigerian scammer friends are back again. And, having been unsuccessful using the USPS as their platform, they’ve now moved on to FedEx:

They haven’t quite mastered the vocabulary yet, bless their hearts—like any FedEx communiqué would involve the word “postal”. But at least they’ve moved up to “package” instead of “parcel”.

(I’ll let the missing apostrophe from “isn’t” in the header pass. So many Fortune 500 corporations can’t seem to be bothered with such niceties that it’s not really a warning sign anymore.)

But I don’t think they grasp the ludicrousness of instructing me to “collect the package at our office”. Uh—just which one of the 16,424 offices in Santa Clara County would they be thinking of?

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