Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Spam du jour

Well, the spammers are becoming a bit more sophisticated.

You may recall that a couple of months ago I received a “notice” purportedly from the US Postal Service, informing me that my “parcel” had been undelivered and was DOA in Des Moines. They wanted me to click on their link or be prepared to fork over $14.13 per day in storage storage fees.

Actually, what they said was “for each day of keeping of it”.

Well, a couple of weeks ago I received this:

This time they are using graphics, including the official USPS logo and a bar code. (and instead of threatening a daily storage fee, they want me to print the alleged label.) So it must be legit, no?

Well, no. There’s that awkward sentence with the non-US format of the date. And referring to the month of Juny. Not even our current USPS staff would send something out like that. I hope.

And again, there’s the use of the word “parcel”.

My Nigerian friends are at it again, bless their hearts.

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