Thursday, July 19, 2012

Recruiters 28

I was contacted last by a recruiter for a product manager position, but I’m not holding out much hope. Partly because I’m not a particular match for the position, but mostly because this recruiter is, well, I think her intellectual elevator doesn’t go all the way to the roof.

First of all, there’s her LinkedIn profile, where she describes herself as “Ambassodor” for a local chamber of commerce. And also as a member of a local “Conceiger Association.”

But in our conversation she was very surprised to hear that there’s an academic institution called the College of William & Mary, because she’d never heard of it. Perhaps she thought I was making it up to pad my résumé, like the last CEO of Yahoo.

And then, in response to me mentioning that my research concentration at that brand new (or possibly mythical) college was the history of technology, she paused and then said, “Oh. Well. I guess technology wasn’t as…advanced as now.”

I don’t know whether she was implying that my degrees date from before the Industrial Revolution, or that “technology” sprang fully formed from the brow of Zeus in the past three years. Perhaps both.

At any rate, I was not impressed and I don’t see how a client could be, either.

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