Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Picnic in the park

This being Independence Day, there will be a lot of picnics in a lot of parks. So perhaps today’s the day to post these pictures from a couple of Saturdays ago at Whisman School Park in Mountain View.

These are picnic tables that have been covered in tablecloths.

&, in case you don’t get the point, there are “reserved” signs taped to them. In misspelled Spanish.

Now, of course, nothing particularly wrong with marking your territory.

Except that I took these pix at 0645. & most of the tables in the park had been poached (as you can see in the background of the first shot), so it must have been a hell of a party.

Kind of tough toenails on anyone who showed up at 1100 with their coolers and Frisbees, though.

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