Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ritz à la Russe

If I had a bucket list, I believe I’d have “be part of a flash mob” in the top third. I recently received links to a couple, via my friend the Pundit’s Apprentice. Here’s the first: “Puttin’ on the Ritz”, in Moscow.

Now, leaving aside the fact that the video editing on this sucks, there are a couple of things I find interesting about this.

The number & variety of digital devices that are being used to record the event. Even a few tablets. I'm thinking that the recording is an integral part of these things.

Then there's he curious incident of the bride & groom. Hard to determine whether or not they were intended to be part of it—the two of them left standing at the end tends to indicate that they weren’t.

But I bet they’ll remember this day for a long, long time.

Also, if this video goes viral, I’m betting that bridezillas all over the country are going to demand a flash mob at their receptions.

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