Monday, June 25, 2012

Let them eat breakfast

So, it turns out that eating dessert at breakfast is an effective way to lose weight.

No kidding—researchers in Israel ran a 32-week study in which two groups of dieters ate the same number of calories per day, but one group had a cookie or cake or something sweet at the morning meal. And that group lost on average 40 pounds more than the Spartan eaters.

To be honest, it’s not clear to me what kind of breakfast you can have that amounts to 600 calories and still has a slice of chocolate cake. According to one site, a slice of commercially-made chocolate cake with icing weighs in at 235 calories. That leaves you 365 calories

Here are some 400 calorie possibilities. Or you could have an Egg McMuffin for 300 calories. And then have your cake.

Bon appétit!

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