Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It's a goose/gander thing

I was interested in Peggy Noonan’s latest philippic about how (American) society is going straight to hell, not passing GO and not collecting $200.

Don’t get me wrong—I agree that beating tourists, mass thievery and, frankly, any participation in prostitution is not a good thing. And posting videos about it is even worse.

As for that whole GSA thing—well, words fail me.

But what I find interesting is that Noonan is apparently not shocked, utterly shocked to find that Wal-Mart de México not only paid millions in bribes to do business with one of our biggest trading partners, but when the corporate HQ became aware of it they devoted all their effort to sweeping it under the serape.

How come Noonan hasn’t said there’s something wrong with that picture?

Or, for that matter—why isn’t she excoriating Bank of America, Goldman Sachs or any of the other corporate criminals whose actions have brought the world economy to its knees and ruined the lives of tens of millions?

If, as determined by the Supreme Court, corporations are people, shouldn’t they be held to some level of standards of character too?

Peg? Hello?

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