Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fool's paradise

April Fool’s Day has been around for, well, kind of ever. But it really does seem as though it’s come into its own as a steam-releasing valve for tech companies (And those ready to grasp the Internet as schtick). This year I give you a few samples:

Google, of course, tops the list. Every year these guys come up with something, last April it was Gmail Motion. But this year’s entry, Gmail Tap, is just super:

I actually twigged to the spoof before “Todd Smith” closed the deal. But one of members of a tech download I subscribe to (who likes to trail a string of initials behind her name) announced that she was considering setting aside Swype for Tap. Until someone else pointed out the date of the "release".

If you’re interested in the full feature set, it’s here.

The goofy Googlers also rolled out an 8-bit Google Maps version for those nostalgic for the Pac-Man days, and a Really Advanced Search function that allows you to seriously specify criteria (including rhyming slang) and to filter by embarrassing grammatical faux pas or font.

(Of course—try any search and you land on a SERP for April Fool’s pranks.)

But, as I said, it’s not just the high-tech corporations capitalizing on the day. Another entry is from the City of Philadelphia. They’re “trialing” a distracted pedestrian lane this week—dedicated sidewalk space for people who text while walking.

I’m sure it’s all to do with the whole Brotherly Love thing.

And then there’s Taco Bell, who've moved way beyond the chihuahua. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the TacoCopter, co-opting drone tech for civilian applications. It’s in “private beta”, in the Bay Area only. 

But a member of another of my tech downloads fell for it, too.

So, mission accomplished.

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