Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Justice blind & mostly dumb

Following with all due speed upon the take-down of Osama Bin Laden by US Navy Seals ten months ago, the great government of Pakistan is taking steps to show to all the world its zero-tolerance policy against law-breaking evil-doers.

They’re charging Bin Laden’s several widows with entering the country illegally.

The BBC reports that the three women probably won’t be tried in an open court (meaning: no media coverage), possibly because it would be hard for even Pakistani lawyers to frame the questions so carefully as to avoid answers that they don’t want anyone hearing.

The mind boggles here. A country with as many loose cannons as Pakistan, such endemic poverty, repression & corruption thinks, that putting on a show trial for women who—even if they did enter the country without getting their passports stamped (if they have passports)—would never have had any choice in the matter is somehow going to convince the world of their commitment to fighting terrorism—well, you can count the dozens of ways that’s just plain ludicrous for yourself.

& I’m not going to argue if someone wants to point out that the US has glass houses of its own, with all the social ills we have & both the right & left going ape over a motormouth like Rush Limbaugh instead of actually, you know, taking action about crumbling infrastructure, employment, healthcare or education.

Even so—this is just so colossally, gobsmackingly fatheaded, I just couldn’t help myself bringing it up.


(& a big shout-out to Roo for bringing this to my attention. Still laughing.)

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