Thursday, March 1, 2012

A COBRA worse than snakes, Part 2a

In response to my post of yesterday (about the Department of Labor weighing in with my ex-employer on the termination of my COBRA coverage), I got an email from my friend, the Pundit's Apprentice. He picked up on my statement on learning my lesson when it comes to checking that payments have cleared my bank account, and added:

"I hope you've also learned that the Federal government 'bureaucrats' are more reliable and more honest."

Yes, I have. I apologize for thinking stereotypically about ET, and for doubting that he would have any sort of effect on the corporation. He was thorough and conscientious and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it was his inquiry alone that caused the company to reverse its initial denial.

He went to work on it within 24 hours of receiving my email and he kept at it. And he got results. And he followed up.

That's our tax dollars well and truly at work.

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