Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Recruiters 26

Aside from the usual posse of South Asian body-shop bottom-feeders, the past week has seen a couple of rather amusing recruiter interchanges.

I received this email from an agency recruiter last Wednesday, slugged “Hot new Healthcare startup!”:

“Good Afternoon!
“I came across your resume while doing a search and wanted to reach out regarding an opportunity with a hot new Health care startup!

“The company is XXX! They are building a HIPAA compliant, cloud-based application platform for engaging and managing consumer relationships. Our applications bring the beauty and simplicity of the best consumer Internet to the digital delivery of health care in a way that will radically transform the user experience of health care.

“On the XXX platform, educational and therapeutic communications take place privately and reliably on the web-enabled or mobile device of the patient’s choosing. Medical professionals using XXX ensure a more thorough and reliable education of their patients, saving valuable practice time and eliminating repetition and follow up calls.

“I'm not sure if you are looking, but even if you aren't we offer a great referral program as well

“Do you have a minute to chat?”

I wouldn’t find it so amusing had I not had exchange with her two-days earlier when I turned down another of her multiple-exclamation-point opportunities. She couldn’t even keep track of me for 48 hours.

Then there was the in-house recruiter from a cloud development platform company. He sent a canned email for a Senior PM/Director position, with a three-line job description. I went on their site, decided I wasn’t right for that one, but they had a product marketing opening I liked. So I replied to that effect. He invited me to send my CV, which I did. And got this in reply:

“Thank you kindly for your response and direct interest in our opening. In the interest of clarity regarding exactly what the critical credentials are for this role are. Please see them specified below. If you are this person, you have a high chance of success in pursuing this role. I also included the complete description below this role.

“I look forward to your feedback after reviewing the below info.”

Which was for the PM/Director job I’d just said I wasn’t interested in.

I just wonder that these people—both in-house and agency—have so much time on their hands that they can waste it so profligately.

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