Thursday, February 2, 2012

The bark side of Super Bowl

Ordinarily I tune out commercials on TV, if I can’t fast-forward past them. (I’ve also trained my eyes not to see ads on web pages. All those billions of dollars spent on SEM just swirl down the drain as far as I’m concerned.)

I also don’t watch sporting events. I used to like the Olympics before NBC got hold of them & turned them into xenophobic yak-a-thons.

So the Super Bowl is a great big glob of non-interest to me. However, I do understand that this is where advertisers seriously strut their stuff, & sometimes the commercials are quite entertaining. Maybe more so than what’s happening on the gridiron.

(Well, unless Janet Jackson is involved.)

Here’s one that’s been “leaked” to the Net, from Volkswagen:

It’s not clear to me what dogs barking a John Williams piece has to do with German cars. But it’s certainly more entertaining to watch the piss being taken (so to speak) out of that pompous, self-important musically-bloviating, um, composer.

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