Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Not Maru, Part 3

You may have missed this in the run-up to the holidays, but apparently:

1.      No. 10 Downing Street (official residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain) has a rodent problem.

2.      Instead of calling in exterminators (even humane ones) David Cameron adopted a rescue cat, which was expected to mouse for its keep. But Larry the Cat apparently was more interested in feline things like napping than catching rats.

3.      Subsequently Larry has been banned from the Camerons’ flat, which was recently redecorated to the tune of £64K.

4.      There’s a brouhaha over the whole thing in the British press.

As for #4—of course there is.

As for #3—no one seems to have inquired if Larry likes to scratch the Aubusson carpets or has been marking his territory in the high-tech second kitchen. There are limits to the give-and-take of cat servitude. Also, no one has thought to ask whether Larry even notices he’s been kept out of the flat. He’s a cat—if he wanted in, he’d be in.

As for #2—just because he’s a cat doesn’t mean he’s a mouser. If his mama didn’t teach him what to do with rodents, he’s not going to know he’s supposed to kill them.

As for #1—why is no one upset that the iconic seat of British leadership is infested with rats?

I’m just sayin’…

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