Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Muppet news

Evidently it’s not enough to have Sunnis fighting Shiites, or Tutsis going at it with Hutus or Serbs taking on everyone in the Balkans. No—Fox News and the Muppets are now firing across each others’ bows.

Not watching a whole lot of TV news, I hadn’t been aware that Fox’s Eric Bolling proclaimed that the latest Muppet movie indicates a “liberal media” bias that’s brainwashing kids against big business, especially (in this case) big oil.

Actually—I hadn’t been aware that anyone named Eric Bolling exists.

Nonetheless, it does seem a bit mean-spirited to go after the childhood icons. But it turns out that the fuzzy friends are not partially armed when it comes to a battle of wits. At a press conference in London this week, Kermit and Miss Piggy had a few words of their own:

I’m just helping fulfill Kermit’s prediction that this’ll be all over the Internet. Happy to do my bit.

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