Monday, January 9, 2012

Corpus delicti 2

Following up on the story about the discovery of a body on Sandringham estate on New Year’s Day, the deceased has been identified as a 17-year-old Latvian immigrant to Cambridgeshire, Alisa Dmitrijeva. She was last seen on 31 August; reported missing by her family a week later.

Still no report of cause of death.

I feel for the young woman’s family (although I wonder why it took a week to report her missing) and think about the life cut short—what might Dmitrijeva have accomplished, whose lives might she have touched, had she lived?

But I’m also curious about who would leave a body on a royal estate. Okay—it’s gone undiscovered for three to four months. But the wooded area is used with some regularity to shoot pheasants, with beaters walking through it to scare the birds into the air so they can be blasted in their thousands by people with too much time and money on their hands who call it sport.

(Oh. Wait. <ahem> Right—better.)

One could reasonably predict that the corpse left at Sandringham would be found at some point. And that when it was it would make news and focus a lot of law enforcement resources on finding the killer.

There are so many places s/he might have chosen where there might be a much better chance that the body might have gone unnoticed.

So I keep going back to the question: why there?

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