Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I know you’re expecting me to express my disgust at the shocking, utterly shocking, failure of the soi-disant Congressional “super-committee” to come up with any kind of plan to deal with the federal deficit. But you can get that from anyone.

Here’s something to rival the super-flop: a soi-disant “doctor” with issues of his/her own in Florida has been arrested for (and I swear I am not making this up) injecting cement, super glue and tire sealant into the buttocks of a 30-year-old woman. The “patient”, who developed MRSA, paid Oneal Ron Morris $700 for the procedure.

Personally, I think it says something that a lot of women pay a lot of money to have fat sucked out of their butts, while others will pay, well, $700 to have their butts enlarged.

I just don’t know what it says.

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