Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Flying to hell

I drove into work yesterday morning hearing the news that American Airlines parent company AMR has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It seems that their senior management took longer than anyone has expected to run the business into the ground, although their brand-new CEO blames labor costs, fuel prices and everything in the universe except their own boneheadedness.

What this does is allow them to stiff their vendors, screw their employees and cock a snook at their customers, while continuing to pay themselves handsomely. Legally.

I used to prefer American to other carriers, but I wouldn’t like to think about what the flying experience is going to be with them for the next year or so. The reporter this morning did say they’ll keep their frequent flier program going, but I rather suspect that your miles aren’t going to do much to ameliorate overbooked flights, cumulative fees for every aspect of travel or the risk of an antiquated fleet that’s serviced in Mexico.

(The only good thing I can think of is that at least it isn't United Airlines.)

It’s a strange economy we live in where corporations (which have been declared “persons” by our Supreme Court) can engage in anti-social that in actual persons would result in criminal prosecution.

Some of us are definitely more equal than others in this Animal Farm.

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