Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The truth is really out there

Now, here’s a new application of technology that we all can get behind: British researchers have found a way to use hi-res video and some algorithms to come up with a lie detection system.

So far it seems to be pretty accurate, although they’ve only tested it on volunteers. They’re planning on installing it at an airport by way of field trial. But I think it's worth more than catching a few criminals or terrorists.

As soon as it’s passed the test, I say that TV networks should get it and use it on every broadcast covering a politician. Start with C-SPAN and work our way down to local-access cable. Every time one of them starts spouting a porky pie, the picture should flash and sirens should wail like someone hitting the jackpot at the slots in Vegas.

& then we move on to corporate executives. Install it in stockholder meetings and throw up the video on giant screens. 

It’s time we see incontrovertibly that these wanna-be emperors are stitch-stark naked.

This is what I call truly innovative, game-changing, paradigm-shifting technology.

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