Friday, September 23, 2011


Okay, if this story doesn’t exemplify pure irony, I don’t know what does.

Julian Assange is whining about the publisher of his memoir publishing his, you know, memoir.

Yes, that’s right—the proprietor of WikiLeaks, who has made the publication of state secrets a moral crusade, is scuffing his feet in the dust, thrusting out his lower lip & crying foul because the publisher he contracted with to Tell His Story is, um, Telling His Story.

One might feel a little more sympathy for Assange if he’d given back his $1MM advance. Putting your money where your mouth is is generally a signifier of your genuine intent. Assange doesn’t pass that test.

1 comment:

  1. The man has no shame - gotta love it when he's hoist by his own, well, you know....
