Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is she a witch or a wabbit?

Someone needs to write an opera about Amanda Knox, the ex-U of Washington student convicted two years ago in Italy of the brutal murder of her roommate in Perugia in 2007. She started off by accusing someone completely extraneous of the killing; he was arrested, but when he was cleared she became a person of interest.

The trial was a piece of theatre, but they convicted her & two others; one is serving his sentence and Knox and her ex-boyfriend are currently appealing their 25-year and 26-year (respectively) sentences.

And here’s where we hit about Act III of the opera: during the appeal the lawyer for Diya Lumumba, the fellow falsely accused by Knox back in 2007, called her “a spell-casting witch, a virtuoso of deceit.”

Now, seriously, is this not aria-worthy stuff?

But wait—there’s more: Knox’s lawyer has rebutted the demonic thing by likening her to Jessica Rabbit: she’s “not bad, she’s just drawn that way.” After that sort of exchange, any ruling is going to be anti-climactic.

Verdi—eat your heart out.

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