Monday, September 12, 2011

First responders

I live about half a block from Sunnyvale Fire Department Station #4. 

I drive by the station pretty much every day; and they seem to be called out pretty much every day, too. Their engines have powerful sirens and very loud horns, which they often have occasion to use as they traverse the intersection of Wolfe Road and El Camino Real, right next to my flat. (I'm hearing them as I write.)

In recent days, as I pass the station I've been thinking about the men and women who choose to put themselves in harm's way come day, go day, year in and year out. They turn out whether it's a kid choking on too big a bite of Snicker's, a grease fire in the kitchen of a novice cook or a blaze at a chemical factory.

Or a conflagration on the 103rd floor of the World Trade Center.

I completely appreciate the fact that they exist and do their job no matter which pols in municipal, state or federal governments take shots at the wages, health coverage and pensions they get. They show up every time, run into buildings that everyone else is fleeing and do their damndest to save lives and property for us.

Thank you. Wherever you are, thank you.

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