Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tax dollars actually at work

I went trawling the Web to try to find any politician who doesn’t behave like our Congressmorons in D.C. And--imagine this, there is one.

I give you the mayor of Redondo Beach, Calif., a gay, Asian Republican who works with his constituents to maintain both a satisfactory level of services and a balanced budget.

I understand this is a solution that is not, as we say in the tech business, scalable. Mike Gin’s election didn’t come at a campaign cost of millions, so he didn’t have to sell his soul to multi-national corporations. Therefore he’s able to focus on, you know, the work and the outcomes to people who don’t pay his bills.

But, given what we’ve had to put up with for the past few weeks, months and years on a state and national level, I want to focus on the concept that elected officials can actually do right by the people who put them in office, even if it’s just in Surf City USA.

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