Thursday, August 4, 2011

Following Newt: no human involvement

This should come as no surprise to any human with three synapses firing in sequence:  it’s been reported that 92% of Newt Gingrich’s followers on Twitter are not human.

No, we’re not talking Tea Partiers here; a search company has determined that only 8% of little Newtie’s followers are verifiably humanoid. The rest are spambots.

The report goes on to say that an unnamed Gingrich staffer has admitted that he’s paid for followers. I suppose that’s less slimy than paying for sex; but just as sad.

Mashable has produced a chart tracking the human-vs.-bot Twitter-follower ratio for a number of Republican presidential hopefuls. What I am finding hard to believe is that Michele Bachman’s is as high as 28%.

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