Wednesday, July 20, 2011

News of the (Murdoch) world

You may have heard there’s a hoo-ha in Britain regarding Rupert Murdoch and the way his publications go about gathering (as opposed to manufacturing, which they also do well) information. Executives of News International are falling like old-growth timber under a Republican administration. They’re either being arrested or they’re “helping police with their inquiries.”

But the gendarmes themselves are not immune from the clear-cutting: two top cops in the Metropolitan Police have resigned under a cloud, as they say. (and both current and past Prime Ministers are backpedaling furiously trying to pretend they never heard of Murdoch or any of his minions, and never had them over to 10 Downing Street for cocktails and baksheesh.)

Murdoch and his son James, a senior satrap in the empire, haven’t been collared yet, but they did appear before a committee of Parliament yesterday afternoon, spinning like tops. But all the concentration was broken when some bloke in a plaid flannel shirt appeared and shoved a paper plate of foam in the Dark Lord’s face.

After Murdoch cleaned up, they resumed; but no one’s heart was in it. Better not to know the answers to the questions, anyhow.

What I’m wondering is: shouldn’t someone be investigating the Met’s ability to provide security for Parliament? How did this guy get through police checks—the shirt alone should have set off any number of alarm bells. Is anyone serious about this?

And how long will it be before TSA starts screening passengers for shaving cream foam?

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