Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Slimebags on a plane

There are just so many ways to go with this story about a Delta flight turning back to the gate to eject a passenger who engaged in conversational cursing over the delay in departure. A few thoughts, in no particular order.

First: if airlines are going to toss off any passenger who curses about a plane being late, there’s going to be a whole lot more room on flights in the future.

Second: aircraft are such cramped environments, it’s bad enough that you are forced to listen to your seatmate’s banalities without having his extremely limited and repetitive vocabulary imposed on you. Any more, it’s like being on a bus in the barrio without possibility of getting off at the next corner.

Third: The flight was already late taking off and someone in command made the decision to turn back to the gate, engage airport police, haul the passenger’s ass off that plane, and wait for clearance and a slot to take off? What’s up with that?

Fourth: The offending/offensive passenger is from Brooklyn. And evidently he thinks “being from Brooklyn” is a get-out-of-jail-free-card for being a jerk. Seriously? The “I-was-raised-by-ignorant-yahoos” defense? Does his mother know about this?

Fifth: He’d been to a wedding at the weekend and claims he wasn’t drunk, just hungover. Like that makes his behavior somehow less reprehensible. BTW, he picks this kind of nit and yet isn’t a lawyer.

Sixth: He’s contemplating suing the airline. Oh, of course he is.

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