Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just a quick Swype

I got one of the Dreaded Upgrade Emails from Swype at the weekend. I suppose I should be grateful that they at least sent me an email—several times it’s happened that Swype just doesn’t work and I have to go to an Android forum to find out that they’ve put out a newer version and made it so the current one won’t work. At least this time they announced it, which I suppose is a Big Thing for a company that's obviously run completely by software engineers.

(Swype is in beta; which means it doesn’t always operate as expected. As it is, every time I turn the phone off and then on, it won’t boot up. You have to change the input method to regular, then back to Swype. And none of the upgrades I’ve downloaded in the past year have fixed that. Do they not notice? Do they just think that’s good engineering?)

What I hate about this is that every time I upgrade I have to look up how to uninstall the installer, then download a new installer and finally download and install the application. And every time I haven’t noticed any advance in the user interface.

Hello, Swypers? Get this product out of beta and stop making me uninstall and reinstall both the installer and the app. I'm ready to pay for a real product; get yourself a product manager and get with the program!

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