Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fishy in SF

I love living in the shadow of San Francisco; there’s almost always something going on there that boggles the mind.

Most recently—that I know of—is the Board of Supervisors are considering a ban on the sale of pets within the city/county. Down to and including fish.

Don’t get me wrong—I think anyone involved with puppy and kitten mills should be eviscerated in the village square on market day pour encourager les autres. And I guess if there are gerbil mills and guppy mills we ought to add those people to the list, as well.

It just seems kind of snooty for a city to basically declare all pet sales strenglich verboten. The designer dog crowd will have to drive to San Mateo to get their labradoodles and pocket beagles.

And I wonder whether this covers the sale of ornamental koi for backyard ponds. Because that’s going to piss off a lot of folks in Larry Ellison’s neighborhood.

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