Thursday, May 26, 2011

We have a situation here

The Internet is a strange land. Well, perhaps more specifically, the web-based social networking phenomenon is a really strange land.

I’ve already commented on the wag or wags who grafted Princess Beatrice’s Royal Wedding millinery confection onto the heads of the men and women in the White House Situation Room watching the raid on Abbottabad.

But it seems that the Sit Room pic has spawned a life of its own. At the beginning, a Hasidic newspaper in Brooklyn removed Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason from the photo, because their editorial policy is to not show women, as they might be too suggestive, even fully—even frumpily—clothed.

Well, whatever. Although I’m not sure I’d trust a publication that Photoshops the pix it publishes to not also manipulate the reports as well. But that’s probably not the point for religiously-focused news outlets. Or Fox news, now that I think of it.

(I’m sure even mainstream newspapers crop photos; but electronically altering them is really beyond the beyond.)

But there’s obviously something about this photo that has inspired anyone with a graphics application, a sense of humor and too much time on his hands to dress it up. See for yourself.

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