Monday, May 2, 2011

Last on the wedding. Really. Unless something else occurs to me

Okay, yes—I did watch part of the royal wedding. No, I didn’t get up at oh-dark-thirty, but I caught the highlights on BBC America. Generally the Brits know how to show a story and not yap through it, like American “news” readers.

I was only in it for the hats and the music, anyhow.

I certainly got my nickel’s worth with the former. Honestly, how there’s a bird in the Northern Hemisphere that is still in possession of its feathers, I don’t know. And apparently the trend-du-jour is to wear your chapeau atilt, as though putting it on squarely is just too, well, square.

I think some of them must have been stapled to those heads; can’t think how else they stayed on. Maybe double-sided tape. 

Plus, I think Lady Gaga is going to want some of them back.

As for the music—well, eh. I have to say that if you’ve heard one John Rutter piece, you’ve pretty much heard them all. And the "Ubi Caritas et Amor" didn’t sound big enough for the venue to me.

But the hymns were gorgeous. Cwm Rhondda, the melody for “Guide me, O thou Great Redeemer”, is as stirring as they come. And it’s hard to go wrong with anything by Charles Wesley. I was rather whelmed by the arrangement of “Jerusalem”—that’s one that ought to bring tears out, especially in that setting; I didn’t feel it.

It was interesting that Elton John had to read the words to them, but David Cameron didn’t.

But I always love an occasion to watch everyone (including Prince Philip) singing “God Save the Queen”, with Her Majesty staring off to middle space.

It was quite a spectacle. Especially those hats.

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