Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The election next time

Newt Gingrich has announced officially that he’s running for President in the 2012 election. President of the United States.

I’m not going to get into his political history, or the disconnect between his assertion that everyone has to adhere to family values except his own self.

I’m just going to say that I don’t think I can take seriously “President Newt”.

On a similar, politics-makes-even-weirder-bedfellows-than-business, note, Donald Trump has dropped out of the race. This is sad news for comedians because The Donald is an even bigger joke than little Newtie, although I believe they’re about even in the wife count.

Given that Trump would have to spend his entire presidential salary of $400K on hair stylists, gel & spray, I’m also thinking he wouldn’t like to take the pay cut. 

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