Thursday, April 21, 2011

Latest pet trend

If you’re feeling a bit ragged after filing your taxes, or about the latest news out of Congress, here’s something that might provide a pickup: Petite Lap Giraffe. From the “world wide famous Sokoblovsky Farms”.

If you haven’t seen PLGs, those wonderful comrades at Sokoblovsky have helpfully posted the videos “as seen on American commercial” for DirecTV. (Scroll down past the pix of the “parentals.”)

Even though I’m sure it’s really not within my discretionary income budget, & my landlord would throw a fit, I’ve put myself on the waiting list for a calf. The next one is expected in 156 days & already promised to a prince.

& the wait will be a while:

BTW—way to run a viral marketing campaign, DirecTV.

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