Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Death and ...

At 1010 yesterday morning I finally express-mailed my tax information to my accountant. 

I don’t know what it is about the words “tax” and “data” conjoined that turns my brain cells into overcooked oats, but this year was the worst. I’d intended to have all the materials to the CPA by the end of February. I know that he'll have to file notice of extension, but there's nothing I can do about that at this point, given that I haven't been gifted with the Knowledge of Turning Back Time. (& if I did, I assure I'd use it for plenty of other things than getting my tax returns filed early.)

Oh, well—now to put all the raw data—utility bills, mortgage statements, credit card receipts, check registers, etc.—into labeled envelopes & then stuffed into a carton.

Filing for this year’s taxes will come round all too soon on the calendar.

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