Thursday, March 31, 2011

Earmarks? What earmarks?

You may recall all the posturing and pontificating last fall about Congressmorons banning earmarks. You know—earmarks are the pork projects that get tacked onto completely unrelated legislation. They allow the Morons to trade votes on the larger bills in exchange for bringing money into their districts that otherwise wouldn’t stand a job in the full House or Senate.

Like a recreation center construction project in, say, Denver, appended to a bill regulating coastal cleanup in New England. I mean, there’s absolutely nothing subtle about these earmarks—think the Bridge to Nowhere for which Alaska Republicans are famous.

Anyhow, blather against earmarks is popular these days, on account of the Tea Party fulminating about spending & the fact that persons of normal intelligence have long since sussed that such projects benefit no one but the pols themselves in the long run. (Of the pols, by the pols, for the pols, so to speak.)

The House even passed a bill ending the custom back in November, but they were counting on their senatorial brethren to scotch the snake, which they did. President Obama has sworn he’ll veto any earmark-contaminated law that crosses his death.

But even as they star in their sound bites & photo ops vowing to go straight & not sully their hands with earmarks, the Morons are circumventing their “voluntary” ban by just going directly to agencies to get their pet projects going, thus guaranteeing the flow of pork into their districts.

Seriously—these guys have no shame. One hand has the pious sock puppet on it, another the begging bowl & the prehensile tail barely covers up the smirk.

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