Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Recruiters 14

Here’s another Tale from the Recruiter Side: I received an email from one for a contract “Jr. Technical User Documentation Writer”. The fact that I have nothing in any online profile that would support the idea that I’d be a junior writer isn’t what’s noteworthy. Nor is the job location being in a suburb of Sacramento the rather odd part.

No, it’s the recruiter’s email address, which was But the actual email had a signature block indicating that his/her name is “Suresh. B”, with an email address that doesn’t include “Linda”.

Now, for years when I’ve called various tech support lines & got reps in Bangalore I’ve noticed that they often have noms de phone, such as Ted or Tiffany. Like that’s going to disguise the fact that your accent is straight out of Bollywood. But this is a first—do they think that you’ll be more likely to open an email if it has a Valley Girl name in the email address? Or that it’ll make any phone conversations more intelligible?

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