Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Recruiters 13

Further to my experience last week with the two recruiters offering the same four-line “opportunity” for me to sign up to, you’ll recall I sent them both a request for more information, which I needed to be able to evaluate the prospect.

Shruti, who sent me the same email twice, never bothered to reply. Santy did respond…but I’m none the wiser. Viz.:

“Hi [Bas Bleu],
“I don’t have much job description from the client . they need a Front line product manager - owns a particular product line, but doesn't necessarily set strategyMust have: Experience with Enterprise and SaaS software product offerings is requiredFamiliarity with Energy domain a major plus

“Warm Regards,

So, the exact same 34 words that s/he sent me on Friday, formatted marginally differently.

I replied that, since this is what s/he had given me originally I still can’t evaluate whether I’m a fit. I did say that if more information (= an actual, you know, JD) comes in, I’d be interested in seeing it. But I know I’ve just flown off the Santy radar screen, the way I did for Shruti’s on Friday.

I understand that when I tell them I need information to make an informed decision about whether I’m a match for a job I’m not speaking any language they understand. For them, there is no “match” or “mismatch”; there’s only a score or no-score. Theirs is strictly a game of quantity, not quality; & that model obviously works for them.

But not for me. So it’s a good thing that I’m not counting on anyone with “recruiter” in his/her title to do anything useful.

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